ONDE 18k rose and natural white gold ring, three fire opals Shown at the exhibition “Italian contemporary jewellery – Techniques and materials between art
and design”, curated by Alba Cappellieri (2008-2009)
ONDE 18k yellow gold ring, pearl
ONDE 18k yellow and rose gold pendant, garnet
ONDE 18k rose and yellow gold earrings, pearls

The sinuous and caressing lines of ONDE

The inspiration for this collection are the soft and caressing lines of the sea waves. The design of this ring refers to quality such as sinuosity, movement, fluidity, the ring has been shaped by the use of 3D software. It is also a versatile project, nearly modular, as it can be set up for one, two or three stones, which may be different in cut and shapes, or for pearls. (*) natural white gold means non plated Rhodium 18 kt gold, that is deprived of the rhodium layer - white or black, obtained by electrodeposition - to give gold, which is naturally yellow,  a colour closer to icy cool white platinum (or graphite black). The natural white gold therefore has a white colour but with a lovely warm golden hue.

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