Luciana Massironi
jewelry designer and 3D consultant
The underlying theme of Luciana’s work on jewels is to design refined forms leading to excellent crafted jewelry. From concept to 3D modeling, through the freehand drawing: each phase of the jewels project is personally carried out. Creative, craft and technical skills are developed in different contexts and situations, from the unique item to medium-scale production up to experimental jewelry.
Luciana Massironi offers a range of services to the world of jewelry design in which the typical art director creativity is completed both by the mastery of the latest technologies – 3D modeling, prototyping – and by the experience and the craftsmanship of the best Italian goldsmith tradition.
Study of new lines and re-design of existing collections and of a single jewel is a service that is developed at 360 degrees: in cooperation with Luciana develops both the product and the visual media for its marketing: from packaging to web image including contents for press presentation. The styling service can then be the starting point for the renewal of a brand or for its relaunching.
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