NIDO 18k rose gold bracelet, Tahiti black pearl Ø 13 mm The egg, shape and geometric figure with multiple meanings and symbolisms (think of the famous example of the “Pala di Brera” by Piero della Francesca) is at the origin of the design process of this collection, and as a closed circle, the shaped material recaptures the form of a cozy nest, majesticy alcove for the beautiful Tahitian pearl. The historical honeycomb open-work (called opus interassile in Roman age and in more recent times tulle, see remarkable examples in Buccellati jewels) is here interpreted in a macro version.
MINERVA 18k yellow gold and oxidized brass bracelet, cotton tubular cord In MINERVA the combination of circular modules of different diameters is the leitmotiv, the oxidation chromatism by dissolved silver as a gouache on the surface of the brass studs gives the collection either unicity (each element is individually treated and the spots follow the fire phantasy) and an archaic bewitching expressiveness. In particular in the bracelet, the tubular cotton placed parallel evokes a pentagram where the modules organization shaped as if they were musical notes creates a melodic composition which results into a warm and enveloping atmosphere.
CAPRI Sterling Silver and 18k rose gold (four elements) bracelet, it wears a fabric (linen), and a pink tourmaline Shown at the exhibition “FILO ROSSO”, Contemporary art museum Ugo Carà,
Muggia (Ts – Italy); 2008
The idea of this bracelet aims at emphasizing fabric characteristics, i.e. its softness and the consequent possibility to create curls.
Being a jewel in contact with the skin, I considered essential the possibility of easily removing tissue for washing, and if desired, of alternating with other types.
CAPRI, frame “Frame” of the bracelet in Sterling Silver, 18k rose gold (four elements) and a pink tourmaline

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