Design and services for individuals
Bespoken Jewels

The underlying theme of Luciana Massironi’s work on jewels is to design refined forms leading to excellent crafted jewelry. From concept to 3D modeling, through the freehand drawing: each phase of the jewels project is personally carried out. Creative, craft and technical skills are developed in different contexts and situations, from the unique item to medium-scale production up to experimental jewelry..


Luciana Massironi places her creativity and experience available to anyone who wishes to create a jewel with unique characteristics. The idea for a jewel can arise as something new to celebrate a special occasion, it can be drawn from handmade sketches or even from the gems and the precious metal of an old jewel that you want to transform. Steps of the development begin with a consultation where you deepen the initial ideas of inspiration, the estimated time-frame for delivery and budget. Afterwards one or more proposals are evaluated with rendering that returns the final result of the jewel in the most likely way. Finally, after the approval, the jewel will be created using both the latest technologies and the skilled hands of the best Italian jewelry craft tradition.

  • Design and manufacture  of a jewel, thought and designed according to the specific requests of the client
  • Design and manufacture of a jewel designed for the enhancement of one or more gemstones owned by the client
  • Transformation / restyling of an owned jewel

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