Luciana Massironi
jewelry designer and 3D consultant
The course will be held on-site (at the user’s residence) and will be individual or in mini classes from 2 to 4 people. It will be personally held by Luciana Massironi, ART (Authorized Rhinoceros Trainer): she has been experiencing this method since 2004. An official McNeel certificate will be issued once the course will be completed.
The course is developed step by step with the explanation of the program and the learning of modeling through the carefully formulated exercises of the practical guide, from time to time using new tools of the software.
It consists of two levels, one basic (Level 1) and one advanced (Level 2) that can be attended independently (for level 2 level 1 should have been completed, in addition to at least a three month’s experience using Rhinoceros).
The downloadable document at the bottom of the page gives more information (in Italian) about the goals set by McNeel (Rhinoceros mother company).
The training includes a total of 24 hours, divided into 4 modules of approximately six hours each (day 3 + 3), frequency to be agreed according to mutual availability.
It requires a personal notebook + mouse or graphics tablet (not Mac devices).
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